
Race, Class, and Gender in Media Final Paper

Grade Received: A+

The prompt was to identify any problem regarding race, class, or gender in media. I needed to do a deep analysis of at least three examples in which the problem is prevalent and find an example of a media that either challenges or resolves the problem that is being addressed.

Media Theory Final Paper

Grade Received: A+

After months of studying media theorists the class was asked to create their own definitions on what media can be. I was required to incorporate a certain amount of theorists works in my definition and explain why I agreed with their thoughts regarding media.

Rhetorical Theory Final Paper

Grade Received: A+

The prompt here was to write a journal article review essay that provides a summary of a particular article of communication in my own words. I was required to incorporate at least one outside source along with incorporating works of theorists we studied over the course of the semester.